Granting Others Dreams
G.O.D. seeks to meet the financial or physical needs of individuals and families facing difficult life circumstances beyond their control – loss of job or home, disability, or other unforeseen interruptions to daily life.
Welcome to G.O.D.
Help People Have Hope
By stewarding the charitable and benevolent giving of others, Granting Others Dreams seeks to restore hope by helping individuals rebuild their lives by meeting the practical, everyday needs of those facing unexpected or challenging hardships.
How does G.O.D. do this? We use a personalized, application-based process to identify people who have real needs and provide no-strings-attached support – through financial gifts or other practical means, known as Scholarships of Hope.
Do you know someone who could use some inspirational assistance to overcome a life challenge? Refer someone you know. You can make a difference in someone’s life by introducing them to G.O.D. Donate today and Help People Have Hope.

I appreciate your assistance, especially now that my dad is not working due to his cancer and hospice. This gift came at the right time so that my dad could be a little less worried about sending me to college.
What are you waiting for?